About Me

After 8 years of working for creative production companies in London, during lockdown I decided to pursue my ambition of creating my own freelance web design business. Having previously managed my companies website, I used this knowledge to develop my skills in gaining qualifications with the CIW (Certified Internet Web Professional) the industries most globally recognised web technology education, as Internet Business and Site Development Associate.

I am based in Farnham, Surrey with easy access to London.

Why use a freelancer and not an agency? Aside from the much higher costs that agencies charge, you will never be just 'another client' with me. I will be completely transparent and available throughout the process and absolutely dedicated to building the best site for your business needs.

I am also a little obsessed with dogs! Dudley, my slightly mad 'Double Doodle' (ridiculous breed name I know) will gladly accept treats as payment.